Wednesday, February 18, 2009

She’s Here

OK, I don't spook easily, but I do believe in ghosts and I would like to think that our loved ones are up there looking after us and helping us in little ways we don't normally see. That said, I have to share with you a strange but enlightening experience I just went through.

It actually started a couple weeks ago, when I was having a really hard time at work and trying to make some decisions about finding another job because I wasn't happy here. I had finally made the decision to start looking. Let me preface this next part with a blurb about how my team had recently moved to a new building so I have a new desk that had been cleaned out.

On a Monday morning a few weeks ago, I came into work dressed up for a job fair that afternoon, and I opened up the big bottom drawer of my desk to put my purse inside (as I usually do), and there sat a Loreena McKennitt CD, right where I normally sit my purse. And this is no small purse, people, this is a big piece of baggage, so I was put off to say the least, since I'd never noticed this CD before. It was sitting flat, with the front album cover up.

Now, as you know, I don't pay much attention to my surroundings sometimes, so even though it was in the back of my mind that this just happened to be one of the singers my mom listened to, I just figured it belonged to the woman who used to sit here. So that day I went through the entire desk looking for other personal effects to return to the woman, and found nothing. Since then, I've listened to the CD and liked it, and wound up never returning it.

Today I have to take my physical for my new job, so this will decide whether I "really" got the job or not, but I gave my resignation on Monday anyway, so I am a little nervous that maybe that wasn't the right move, maybe I should have waited til I got the "all clear" before I gave my resignation, etc. In other words, I am anxious about the decisions I have made.

This morning I came into work and went to put my purse away, and there was a Yanni CD sitting in the same place the other CD had been sitting.
Yanni was one of my mom's all-time favorites.

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